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sanctuary:fragment:kraiaky [2013/10/13 00:15]
Pinkgothic NPC list.
sanctuary:fragment:kraiaky [2017/11/18 15:34]
Line 1: Line 1:
-**kraiaKy** is a [[:​Sanctuary:​Fragment]] created by [[http://​​character/​zacharie-fabian/​2.html|Zacharie Fabian]] and [[http://​​character/​sekai-fabian/​3.html|Sekai Fabian]], mostly for their own exploration. It's geared toward evolving on its own, though much of the current status quo was designed by Sekai when she chose to leave the Fragment. 
-The universe is based on the roleplay setting [[http://​​doku.php?​id=start|kraiaKy]],​ with a few changes and facts of note: 
-  * The [[http://​​doku.php?​id=culture:​nayabaru|Nayabaru]] language is unashamedly English for convenience. 
-  * The [[http://​​doku.php?​id=culture:​kavkema|kavkema]] language is [[http://​​doku.php?​id=language|as defined]]. 
-  * Sekai Fabian played the role of [[http://​​doku.php?​id=character:​ysikary|Ysikary]],​ then for a while dabbled in stray Nayabaru avatars before losing complete interest in the setting. 
-  * Zacharie Fabian is [[http://​​doku.php?​id=character:​jeneth|Jeneth]]. Unlike his canonical setting incarnation,​ Jeneth spends a lot of time on Nekenalos. 
-===== NPCs ===== 
-Sim-bound Puppets: 
-  * [[character:​Puppet:​kraiaKy:​Kanyan]] 
-  * [[character:​Puppet:​kraiaKy:​Bayu]] 
-  * [[character:​Puppet:​kraiaKy:​Tamaayu]] 
-  * [[character:​Puppet:​kraiaKy:​Karonyaro]] 
-  * Nameless: 
-    * [[http://​​npc/​nayabaru-guards/​10.html|Nayabaru guards (session history)]] 
-    * [[http://​​npc/​nayabaru-stranger/​13.html|Nayabaru stranger (session history)]] 
-Autonomous Puppets integrated into the kraiaKy plot: 
-  * [[character:​Puppet:​Teranyina]] 
sanctuary/fragment/kraiaky.txt ยท Last modified: 2017/11/18 15:34 (external edit)