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sanctuary:fragment [2013/12/26 20:20]
sanctuary:fragment [2017/11/18 15:34]
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-A **Fragment** of [[:​Sanctuary]] is a semantically enclosed space. Since the actual borders of a Fragment can be a gradient into another, it's best to, in brief, understand it in terms of what the [[:​terminology:​puppet|Puppets]] within it acknowledge as belonging to their world. 
-Often, a Fragment belongs to a specific character, but other Fragments have been created as public spaces, where all human inhabitants can meet as equals. 
-===== Known Fragments ===== 
-  * [[.:​Fragment:​Aurelius Rising]], public, Denizen-only 
-  * [[.:​Fragment:​Collier d'​Étoiles]],​ public, Denizen-only 
-  * [[.:​Fragment:​Dominion]],​ public 
-  * [[.:​Fragment:​Genos]],​ public, Denizen-only 
-  * [[.:​Fragment:​kraiaKy]],​ public, Denizen-only 
-  * [[.:​Fragment:​Mer]],​ public, Denizen-only 
sanctuary/fragment.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/18 15:34 (external edit)